"The pug is living proof that God has a sense of humor"- Margot Kaufman

Monday, August 9, 2010

The New "Outside"

Well, it's no yard...but at least we've got a little deck upon which to enjoy fresh air and sunshine and a vantage point from which to woo woo at the neighbors. That's a pretty content pug face, wouldn't you say?


dw said...

I would say that's a very contented puggie face! Perhaps the only thing missing is some nice nibbles to enjoy!

the teacher's pets said...

Klaus, I wish I lived nearby because I'd love to have you woo-woo at Daisy and I everyday! You do look awfully happy on your "new outside"!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Very Cute peeping Puggies eyes!!

Yous skeeto's still bad? Boy.. ours are terribles.. We's almost got carried aways...
Izzy is harder for them to lifts of the grounds.... hee hee hees..

Josie, Anakin Man and Izzy (I heard that)