And all of your precious wrinkles, baby Klausie. And I'd do it again in a hearbeat!
9 years ago
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."
Ahhhhh look at how adorable you are! gotta luv a pug pup!
awww he's sooo tiny here! adorable!
lola bugs
Awww Klausie,
What a sweet little baby you were. You are still a very cute and handsome little man too.
Oh Klausie! Those wrinkles! How adorable!
Please tell your momma thanks for her comment on my bloggie. She feeds me a prescription diet (Hill's W/D) per the vet's recommendation, but she really hates it. The ingredients are sketchy.
What did your momma start feeding Natty girl? We are very open to suggestions! At this point, we'll try changing anything up if it might help!
I really likes your blog. I don't have a brother, just a silly kitty sister who I chase a lot. If I had a brother . . . (wink)
Love Noodles
Sorry we's been back logged on 'da blogs...
congrats on yous awards too!!!
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man
awww, baby pictures! so cute! i was catching up and your post about natty's past really touched me. our ollie is a rescue pug. we found him at the seattle animal shelter. he's a wonderful sweet boy, but i often wonder the same things you do. especially did someone let him get away? why didn't they come for him? he's so special, i just can't imagine not looking for him.
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