I was out walking the puggy bears on Saturday afternoon when I ran into one of my neighbors, Lutz. He just ADORES Klaus and Natty, and has two pugs of his own, so he invited us up onto his porch to have a little puggy meet and greet! These pictures are far too blurry to get a good look at the pugs (they didn't stop moving for one second!), but here's a glimpse of our first time playing with Ella and Oafie (Ophelia).

Two blacks and two fawns! You just gotta have one of each. :)

The pugs got along swimmingly (isn't it funny how they always seem to recognize their own kind?) The lovely ladies even put up with Klausie's attempts to put the, ahem, "moves" on them. You were lovely and gracious hosts, little ladies.

Lutz also has a lovely white boxer boy, but poor Junior was relegated to the inside for this initial meeting, as Klaus can be a little less than gracious around larger dogs--especially males--and especially when his sister is involved. Someone needs a brush up on his visitors etiquette!
Of course, an impromtu pug party on what should have been a leisurely afternoon stroll left me with some
seriously pooped pugs. :)

Nighty night, little ones!

How fun, you guys! 4 pugs is 4 times the fun! I wish I had some pugs in my 'hood!
Definitely looks like they had tons of fun. We have two girl pugs across the street but Cinnamon is extremely scared of them for some reason! They want to play with him & he just hides behind me. I have no idea why!
It is crazy how pugs just seem to get along with other pugs. We had a pug meet up at a park and two little weenie dogs just couldn't take all us pugs. They ran around, yipping the whole time. The rest of us were having a good time without all the noise.
How FUN! I met some of my best puggy friends just from being out in the 'hood!!! (Pugsley, Reggie Wayne, Dallas)
Don't be mentioning this "one black, one fawn" concept anymore...you're giving mom ideas!!!!
I love puppy parties! We run into our neighbors and their dogs all the time, and JD and Ringo are always pooped for hours afterward. We are glad Klaus and Natty had fun :]
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