"The pug is living proof that God has a sense of humor"- Margot Kaufman

Friday, March 26, 2010

Big News in the Pod!

So on their vacation in Mexico, J asked my sister for her hound in marriage (BAH ha!).What do you think, Billie? You down with "officially" having a stepmom?

(Now if you know my sister, please don't congratulate her just yet...I want her to have the opportunity to break the news to as many people as possible without them finding out haphazardly on the Internet.) Thoughtful of me, no? ;)

The pugs just want to know if this means they'll be getting wedding cake.


THE PUGLET said...

Did someone say cake???

dw said...

Heee, the pugs really are looking like "Is there cake involved? We can do that!!"

Jennifer said...

I'm SOOOO excited!!! Yay!!!